
The Adventures of Shandi (Jacksonville, Florida Mission)

“Speaking of illegal, have you ever like committed a crime?”

on February 19, 2018
There is no logical reason for the subject line quote from Miss Congeniality.
This week a bunch of missionary stuff happened. So that’s the best thing ever.
– We met a girl named Heather outside a new investigators house and it turns out she has been looking and praying for a church for the last 2 years. She was in tears and was so thankful we talked to her. She totally came to church on Sunday with her niece and her 2 kids and the ward swooped in and schmoozed them over, and they loved it. So many blessings!
– I went on a tradeoff with Sister Perry to Middleburg this week. Middleburg is almost exactly like Macclenny (my first area) and I was in heaven. SO many rednecks. Zero streetlights. Houses and driveways are at least 1 mile apart from each other. Definitely we literally chased down a former investigator bc we couldn’t get onto his property, but we tarried a little longer, knocked a few houses “around” him and then saw his truck pull into his gate that had so cruelly kept us out. I looked like a daggem fool running after his truck at 8:30 at night on this dirt road with my pilgrim skirt and flashlight, but hey, ya gotta do whatcha gotta do. We’re savin souls here.
Unfortunately, he was super uninterested because he literally peeled out to get away from us but at least we got some good cardio in.
– We spent Valentine’s Day with all of our favorite single old ladies in our ward and it was a blast.
– Tim is getting the Aaronic priesthood next Sunday.
Also Tim has recently gotten several cuckoo clocks and one of them happens to be Harley Davidson with really obnoxious motorcycle engine noises.  For some reason they ALWAYS go off right when we’re about to say family prayer. And last night Tim goes, “Oh, here comes Heavenly Father, ridin in on a Harley.”
Love that guy.
– We pulled into our apartment after a district meeting this week and I noticed on our dashboard that the air in our left rear tire was deflating quite rapidly. We got out and heard “ssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhssshshshshhsshhs”
Our immediate thought when we saw the giant hole and silver knife sticking out of our tire was that someone was sabatoging us and had slashed our tire bc we live in the ghetto.
Because we’re the brilliant and independent white girls that we are, we came up with an obvious solution:
“WE HAVE TO TAPE IT.” – Sister Ridenour
Just so you know, taping a stabbed tire does absolutely nothing besides make you feel real dumb when you pull up to the Autoshop.
– This Sunday I was surrounded in sacrament meeting by investigators and less-actives that I’ve come to love and I’m not sure I’ve ever been happier. Church is really great for myself but it’s even better when you’re there with people who need it so desperately and you’ve been able to reach out to them and invite them. It makes it THAT much better.
Here are some photos:
1. The single greatest struggle of sister missionaries all over the world.
2. When it’s the first sunny day Florida has had in several weeks it’s a requirement that you weekly plan outside. #tanlinesfordayz
3.-4.  Been with this human 24/7 for the past 111 days and she’s still my fav. We got pazookies(diabetes too, probably) to celebrate.

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