
The Adventures of Shandi (Jacksonville, Florida Mission)

“So long, farewell” ft. FLO RIDA

Well. The time has come for me to go the way of all the earth.

 This will be my last weekly email (praise to the man I don’t have to write these things anymore) because next P-day they take all of the departing missionaries to the beach to try and distract them from the fact that their heart is about to break into a million pieces and one the best experiences of mortality is over. Therefore, I will not be emailing next week because I will probably be seeing most of you in the flesh shortly thereafter.
Much like the beloved prophet Nephi I am not “mighty in writing like unto speaking” (2 nephi 33:1. good chapter. 10/10 would recommend) so this email will most likely be a dissappointment if you were expecting something really great and sentimental, but like HOW AM I EVEN SUPPOSED TO SUM UP 18 MONTHS IN ONE DADGUM EMAIL. So, if you wanna actually hear more about this blessed time you’ll have to come to my homecoming or take me to to dinner or somethin’
I love to be a missionary.
I love northern Florida and Georgia. Macclenny, St.Mary’s/Kingsland, Ocala, and West Jacksonville will forever hold special places in my heart.
I LOVE my companions. Sister Armstrong, Sister Stepherson, Sister Knight, Sister Esquerra, Sister Sorensen, Sister Henriod, Sister Gabbitas, Sister Ridenour, and Sister Perry are all going straight to the celestial kingdom for having to be my companion. I would not be who I am today without their testimonies, experiences, and love.
I love my Savior. His Atonement not only saves us as we make covenants with Him, but it changes and enables us. Because of Him your mosquito bites don’t itch quite as bad. Because of Him the sweat dripping down your face and into your eyes doesn’t bother you. Because of him you are able to wake up at 6:30 AM every morning for 18 months and put in 13 hour days sharing the restored gospel with people who may or may not hate you, but you still LOVE it. All of that is possible because of him.
I know that the simple truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ are what save us and make us happy. Faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end is the recipe for a happy life. I know this because I am truly happy.
I know that the Book of Mormon is unequivocally the word of God. I know that Jesus Christ’s church was restored to the earth through the Prophet Joseph Smith, and that he did in fact see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know this because the Holy Ghost, even the third member of the Godhead, has witnessed to me that this is true.
What a blessing it is to know that Jesus Christ’s church is here! His authority to be baptized, be clean, receive the Holy Ghost, and have our families FOREVER is on the earth and is available to all of us!
I have loved every second of declaring this good news to all the inhabitants of the earth (but mostly FL) and will continue to do so for the rest of eternity.
This has been the most worthwhile experience of my life.
I love to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Also, this last week was seriously amazing. SO many miracles. I’ll tell you more about it later, but Diana and Fabian and Jeannine and Grace are all getting baptized.
Also my homecoming is on April 22nd @ 11 AM
Address: 1650 W Center St. Cedar City UT, 84720
Here are some photos:
1. I FINALLY SAW A REAL LIFE ALLIGATOR. the church is true.
2. Our new Office of The First Presidency pic w/ Bishop Nhiev
3. The last of Sister Shandingotheflamingo
4. Sister Ridenour skyped into our lesson with Grace. I almost cried.
5-6. Remember that one miracle investigator named John that was in Gospel Principles and said he wanted to get baptized?? HE DID! We referred him to the elders half way through the teaching process because he lived pretty far out of our area, but it was so neat to still get to be a part of it. I swear my companion was in the room. She was just sitting with our investigators.
7. Goodbye Jacksonville. I sure love ya.
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“You want to kiss my lucky egg?”

Subject line from Cool Runnings for obvious reasons. Sister Perry always feels so bad every time she can’t get one of my movie quotes and it makes up for the fact that she misses a lot of them. Guess she didn’t waste a bunch of her life watching movies. Weird. Can’t relate.

This week was practically perfect.
– I can’t even handle General Conference. This is my 4th one on my mission and they have all been the best ones ever. We were able to watch all the sessions with our very favorite people, less-actives, investigators, and recent converts.
Our theme as a mission has been for the last little while “Minister to the One” and I am so thankful for the things I have learned about ministering as a full-time missionary. President Lee is so inspired. It’s like the church is true or something. One of my favorite parts of conference was from Sister Jean B. Bingham’s talk when she said that we have the opportunity to represent the Savior as we minister to the One. That is my favorite part of being a missionary. I get to represent Jesus Christ and His church, wear His name, and invite others to come unto Him through faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. And that is never going to change!! We all have the sacred opportunity to represent himbecause that’s what we promised to do at baptism. wow. the gospel is the best.
– Contrary to popular belief, it is actually possible to consume too many Cadbury eggs. Who knew.
– I got to go on a trade off with my girl SISTER HENRIOD this week. It was a dream come true. Felt like we were roamin’ the streets of Ocala again, blessing everyone’s lives. gosh i love her.
– There is a part member family here named the Pyburns. Fabulously wealthy, southern, and stubborn people. We’ve been working on building relationships of trust with them since I’ve been here and this week it all paid off. They took us to eat the most delicious shrimps on the planet and we were so bold with Brother Pyburn. We asked him why he had never been baptized or really studied with the missionaries despite attending church for the last 30 yrs, paying tithing, and feeding the missionaries all the time. He opened up about all his concerns and felt the spirit testify to him that this is something he needs. He knows this church is true, but it hasn’t gone from his head to his heart. Stay tuned. I am so excited for them.
They asked me if I would extend my mission until he gets baptized and just live in their pool house. I told them yes.
– #becauseofhim is the best missionary tool known to mankind.
I love to be a missionary.
Here are some pictures:
1. HAPPY 18 MONTHS OF BEING A MISSIONARY TO ME. Naturally we celebrated by getting diabetes(ice cream)
2. Tradesies. Our embarrassing tracting day yet. We accidentally showed up to the trade off matching. Score.
3. The Miller’s have officially adopted all of the missionaries. we ❤ the easter bunny.
4.tradesies pt. 2
5.  Sister’s p-day! Breakfast at Tiffany’s/STL’s apartment
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“Gus. Don’t be an ooey gooey chocolate chip cookie.”

Wow. I tell you what wow.

I love everything in my life too much.
Highlights of this week:
– We met this lady named Lola (not too be confused with Lola from Shark Tale or Lola from Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen) a couple weeks go in the ghetto. She was SUPER standoffish, but we jut had a good feeling about her. We got to know her a little bit, and found out she was moving in a few weeks, her youngest baby was really sick, and that she had a bad experience with religion growing up (raised apostolic. crazies.)
We offered to help her move and her countenance completely changed. We showed up the night before they were supposed to be moving to drop off some boxes and we found her in tears.  We just went right to work. We called some ward members and we had her whole house packed and loaded in the moving truck within an hour and a half. Some of our most impressive work.
Her heart was softened and we have set appointments to meet with her 2 times a week AND she started the Book of Mormon. OH MY HOLY MIRACLES.
– The guy that spoke before me in sacrament meeting yesterday definitely only took 5 minutes. I took the remaining 30 minutes and collapsed into my chair when I was done. To say my mouth was filled is an understatement.
– I love, love, love meeting new people and telling them about the joys of repentance.
– I love the Normandy ward.
– I LOVE HAVING SET APART TIME FOR PERSONAL STUDY. so not looking forward to that not being a thing.
– We went to this great and abominable nondenominational Christian Church and it was AMAZING. honestly a dream come true. Such good music. The sermon was awesome and the whole time I was just thinking about how badly they needed the Book of Mormon to support what they were saying.
I am savoring and making the most of every second I have left of being a missionary.
1. If only…
2. MY FWENDS. The JW zone. (Jax West, not Jehovah’s Witnesses)
3. Miller’s took us to Texas Roadhouse.
4. Cute? Cute. They were so appalled I didn’t get steak.
5. TRADESIES. Quote from Hermana Garcia(straight form Honduras!) “All I heard was somethin’ about a churro and a gringo.”
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“Goodnight Denise. You look pretty.”

Subject line quote from Hot Rod bc I asked the room of missionaries I’m in for a movie quote and an Elder in the corner yelled that one out.

Also, it’s only been like 4 days since my last weekly so that means I only have to write 4 highlights so I can go play with my friends.
– We met the nniiicceeesstt lady named Betty. We knocked on her door and she said “oh yes! Come on in!” and I was all, “Are you sure?” #missionaryfail
But we did go in and her and her daughters face while we shared the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ was so happy. They are excited out of their minds about the Book of Mormon and I cry cry everywhere telling them about it BECAUSE IT’S TRUE.
– I had to go to the doctor this week and he told me I looked like Taylor Swift so…
–  A million people confirmed that they were coming to church and then none of them showed up. But it’s fine bc we delight in the agency of others.
– I seriously love to be a missionary. I had such amazing studies about repentance, judgment day, and the resurrection. The plan of redemption is real. We have the opportunity to choose eternal life and happiness or eternal lame-ness and sadness. When Elder Lynn G. Robbins was here we talked all about being 100% repsonsible. We can not have agency without being responsible for the actions we make. Agency and responsibility can not be separated just like justice and mercy, so we have to stop making excuses if we want to access the Atonement.
That’s all over the place, so just look at my study notes someday bc it’s really great I swear.
This church is true. I know it.
Love you all.
1. This pic didn’t send last week and we look flipping adorable and like white girls, so naturally I had to resend it.
2. bffs 5evr
3. When sisters in our zone whitewash train, we want to welcome them home in style. I will always curse my lack of crafting skills.
4-5. Jacksonville has some sweet murals and when people stand us up the best way to combat sadness is a real quick photoshoot.

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“That’ll do, Donkey. That’ll do.”

There is absolutely no way I can adequately put into words the last week and a half because it has just been incredible and also bc it felt like it was 3 months long.
– Sister Perry is my new companion and she is simply delightful. We’ve served in the same zone for the last 3 transfers and I can’t even handle how much the Lord is blessing me when it comes to companions. She is significantly quieter than Sister Ridenour, also really good at serving me and giving me attention. #needy #tellmeimpretty I hope I’m as good of a companion to her as she is to me.
Also it’s ideal bc we’ve both been mourning the loss of Sister Ridenour and can reminisce together.
– This ward and area is the best.
– We met a couple named Marcus and Taiesha and seeing their faces light up as we testified of the peace and happiness that comes from reading the Book of Mormon was kind of the best thing ever.
– Elder Lynn G. Robbins of the presidency of the seventy came to our mission and it has been the most spiritual past 2 days(why our p day is today instead of Monday). Agency is such a precious gift. Responsibility, repentance, and forgiveness go together. It was my last zone conference and it was really sad.
I had the opportunity to reflect on everything I’ve learned on my mission, how I’ve changed, the experiences I’ve had, and just like Ammon my joy was so full it exhausted my strength and I fell to earth…kind of. Not really, but you feel me?
We sang “Hope of Israel” for the closing song and I just lost it. I love being a full time gatherer of the house of Israel.
“Soon the battle will be over, Ev’ry foe of truth be down. Onward, onward, youth of zion; Thy reward the victors crown.”
CAN YOU EVEN HANDLE THOSE LINES? I think I’m justified in letting my emotioms overcome me.
– I told our investigator that I was getting my hair done today and she said “Oh fun, what are you gonna do? Wash it?”
Point taken. Fine, I’ll start washing my hair.
– All of zone conference and MLC was about marriage and parenting.  I think Heavenly Father is trying to remind me that it’s like part of the plan of Salvation or whatever, but I’m still not convinced.
Here are pictures:
1. Mission friends ft. The most expensive popsicles on earth
2. The posterity pt.1  My trainees (Sis knight and Henriod) and their trainees (bake and weyland)
3. “I can’t even focus because I just wanna stare at you the whole time” – Sister Rhoads after we surprised her at her zone conference
4. Movie night with Sis. Perry. Yes, it takes us 3 nights to get through a whole movie bc we have to be in bed by 10:30.
5. Posterity pic pt.2 same as last photo but + Sister Henriods trainee’s trainee. I’m a great grandma. 🤰🤰🤰🤰
6. Cute? Cute.
7. Our investigator Grace. We’re obsessed with her.
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“The Laaaasst Melon!”

Subject line quote in honor of mah bestie Sister Ridenour’s obsession with Sid the Sloth and bc I said goodbye to her forever this morning and in 24 hours she will be back in Provo, UT. see ya never man.

(jk bb see you in 6 wks luh u @wmr23 )
Real life though the last week of your mission is the worst/best thing and a whirlwind of emotions. I mean, your whole mission is like that, but the last week is just excessive. Not looking forward to it.
i love to be a missionary.
These people are my favorite. This place is my favorite. Especially when we’re walking down the sidewalk and there’s chunks of people’s weave lining our path, cigarette buttes galore, and literally everywhere reaks of skunk bc people think marijuana is legal here or something. No one has teeth, and if they do they’re gold #letmeseeyagrill, and everyone is so humble, praises the Lord, and honks at us every morning when we run. THIS IS THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH I’M TELLIN YA.
– This week we focused on talking about baptism with EVERYONE. It was incredible. Letting people know that they have a Savior who set the example for them and that His authority is on the earth again so that they can be baptized to have ALL their sins washed away is the best. Who doesn’t want that? What a wonderful gift we get to share with the world!
– Our investigator Grace set a baptismal date for herself for April 7th and she is SO excited. She is the sweetest 16 year old girl who literally requested missionary visits because she wants to join our church and is looking for that support system. She learned about our church through Book of Mormon the Musical (holla), did her own research on Mormon.org, and by the time we started meeting with her she could tell us all about Joseph Smith, how the Book of Mormon came to be, what we believe about families, the plan of salvation, temples, and all that good stuff.
Can we talk about the word “elect” for a minute? Becuase she is the definition of it.
– My new companion is Sister Perry. I’ve served in the same zone with her for the last 3 transfers and now she gets to be my companion. Life couln’t be better.
Here are some photos:
1. Jacksonville ftw
2. we’re only semi-happy about the weather warming up. The bugs here are out of control. My official bug bite count for my mission is at 1, 239
3. just zoom in on Ridenours face. homemade sushi has become our favorite meal.
4. DO YOU SEE THIS SHRIMPS? IT HAS A FACE. AND BRAINS. This ward is a lil’ too ethnic for me sometimes. Nevertheless, our low-country-boil was a success and i did eat the shrimps, crab, and all the seafood in the world. Go me.
5. this photo is from a few weeks ago, but i realized it never actually sent and it’s too good not to share. This is our new favorite way to weekly plan. Yes, when the other sisters pulled up to the church this is exactly how they found us.
6. Bishop. Take note that I look more Asian than the Asian.
7. The spilsburys complete us. Also


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“Call me. Stalk you.”

WOW. subject line quote from @phaynie32 reminding me how much i love the movie Stick It. good guy.

K so it’s taking everything in me to write a weekly right now and not just play with my frens, so know how much I love all of you.
This is officially Sister Ridenours last full week of missionary work and by the time I email next week she will be gone forever. RIP. Missions are the best. Poor thing. Also, we’ve been companions for so long it’s hard to remember what my life was like before she was within my sight and sound 24/7. i luh her. We’re determined to make this the best week of missionary work ever.
Highlights from this week:
– Timmy was ordained to the office of a Priest in the Aaronic Priesthood yesterday and everyone cried a lot. Sister Miller has waited a long time to have a priesthood holder in her home and we thought everyone would explode from happiness.
– I found almost a jabillion names on Family Search and LITERALLY CAN NOT WAIT TO GO TO THE TEMPLE. I will be there all day e’ery day for my first 2 weeks home for sure.
– We found some incredible people this week, and we didn’t get even get shot at, so that’s fortunate. (the elders can’t say the same. poor guys.) It’s probably my favorite thing ever to meet someone for the first time, get to know them, love them, and learn how Heavenly Father has been preparing them to receive the gospel up to this point.
– I love the Normandy Ward. That’s all.
Here are some photos:
1. Service at Bishops Nhievs house. It felt just like we were in Cambodia.
2. Lunch date w/ Orange Park Sisters Morrow and Esquerra
3. When you’ve eaten real healthy all day but then your ward mission leader calls you to get krispy kreme -__-
5. This is Brother Carrol. AKA Grandpa Golden Corral bc he takes us there every other week and we want to die.
6. MILLER fam 5ever
7.  District bowling. I average a score of about 40 so….
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“Speaking of illegal, have you ever like committed a crime?”

There is no logical reason for the subject line quote from Miss Congeniality.
This week a bunch of missionary stuff happened. So that’s the best thing ever.
– We met a girl named Heather outside a new investigators house and it turns out she has been looking and praying for a church for the last 2 years. She was in tears and was so thankful we talked to her. She totally came to church on Sunday with her niece and her 2 kids and the ward swooped in and schmoozed them over, and they loved it. So many blessings!
– I went on a tradeoff with Sister Perry to Middleburg this week. Middleburg is almost exactly like Macclenny (my first area) and I was in heaven. SO many rednecks. Zero streetlights. Houses and driveways are at least 1 mile apart from each other. Definitely we literally chased down a former investigator bc we couldn’t get onto his property, but we tarried a little longer, knocked a few houses “around” him and then saw his truck pull into his gate that had so cruelly kept us out. I looked like a daggem fool running after his truck at 8:30 at night on this dirt road with my pilgrim skirt and flashlight, but hey, ya gotta do whatcha gotta do. We’re savin souls here.
Unfortunately, he was super uninterested because he literally peeled out to get away from us but at least we got some good cardio in.
– We spent Valentine’s Day with all of our favorite single old ladies in our ward and it was a blast.
– Tim is getting the Aaronic priesthood next Sunday.
Also Tim has recently gotten several cuckoo clocks and one of them happens to be Harley Davidson with really obnoxious motorcycle engine noises.  For some reason they ALWAYS go off right when we’re about to say family prayer. And last night Tim goes, “Oh, here comes Heavenly Father, ridin in on a Harley.”
Love that guy.
– We pulled into our apartment after a district meeting this week and I noticed on our dashboard that the air in our left rear tire was deflating quite rapidly. We got out and heard “ssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhssshshshshhsshhs”
Our immediate thought when we saw the giant hole and silver knife sticking out of our tire was that someone was sabatoging us and had slashed our tire bc we live in the ghetto.
Because we’re the brilliant and independent white girls that we are, we came up with an obvious solution:
“WE HAVE TO TAPE IT.” – Sister Ridenour
Just so you know, taping a stabbed tire does absolutely nothing besides make you feel real dumb when you pull up to the Autoshop.
– This Sunday I was surrounded in sacrament meeting by investigators and less-actives that I’ve come to love and I’m not sure I’ve ever been happier. Church is really great for myself but it’s even better when you’re there with people who need it so desperately and you’ve been able to reach out to them and invite them. It makes it THAT much better.
Here are some photos:
1. The single greatest struggle of sister missionaries all over the world.
2. When it’s the first sunny day Florida has had in several weeks it’s a requirement that you weekly plan outside. #tanlinesfordayz
3.-4.  Been with this human 24/7 for the past 111 days and she’s still my fav. We got pazookies(diabetes too, probably) to celebrate.

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“Next time you’re talking to yourself, tell yourself you’re single and end the conversation.”

Hola amigos. Subject line quote from While You Were Sleeping bc it’s Valentine’s Day this week and I’ve never been asked “So, do you have a boy waiting for you?” more times in my life. I usually respond with “Yes. I just have no idea who he is yet, nor does he know he’s waiting for me.” So, I’ve got that going for me.


This week was AMAZING.
I love to be a missionary.
– Zone Conference. It was Sister Ridenour’s last one and both of us cried like we would never see each other again. Also bc spirit. We watched a talk from Elder Holland that he gave in the MTC who knows when and it was astounding. And slightly terrifying.
The biggest theme of the whole conference is that we never stop being missionaries. We are the Hope of Israel and our calling is to gather Israel and that doesn’t go away when we go home. We covenanted to feed His sheep when we were baptized. I love him, so I will feed his sheep forever and ever. My life will never be the same. Every day I am repenting, changing, and becoming. I have left my net, followed the Savior, and there is no going back. How happy is that?!
Also, I love my companion. When you go home you get to share your departing testimony at your last Zone Conference and she just blows me away every time she shares the things that she knows. She has overcome so many things, and through it all her rock solid testimony of the Savior and His Atonement remains. Not only does it remain, but she has allowed it to change and mold her into such a wonderful, wonderful person. I feel so blessed to serve with her. besties 5ever.
Probably we were Elder Kesler and his companion in the pre-mortal existence. #saturdayswarriors #inourhumbleway
– I got to go on tradesies with one of my old companions, Sister Esquerra! After we were companions in Georgia she went to serve in Macclenny, so we just got to reminisce and talk about all of our favorite people and all the good memories. It was incredible to see how much both of us have improved! S’fun.
– BROTHER TIMMY MORMON-MULLET-MILLER (his new nickname that our gospel principles class came up with for him) GOT BAPTIZED AND NONE OF US HAVE STOPPED SMILING FOR THE PAST 48 HRS. “Should I stop smiling? Okay.”- Tour Guide Barbie, Toy Story
He said he never imagined that he could feel as clean and whole as he did after he came out of the water. He has come so far! They are planning on going to the temple next May. Life is the best.
Here are some photos:
1. We love this guy.
2. 5ever families. check out leahs face bc same
3. I was complaing that the sun was in my eyes during studies and she took a picture of me and made this super cute inspirational meme.
4. The sistrict reunited ft. Common white girl poses
5. Tradesies
6 our fav less active, Janie received_1443739035748337received_1443738725748368received_10213959680620039received_10213959679900021received_10213959677979973received_10213959677099951
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“Why don’t you all just call me Mr. S.”

My friends. It’s been another wonderful and blessed week here on the West side.

Mostly just a whole lot of missionary things have been happening.
Highlight #1 – TIMMY PASSED HIS BAPTISMAL INTERVIEW WITH FLYING COLORS AND IS GETTING BAPTIZED THIS SATURDAY AT 6 PM. Keep him in your prayers because the week before you get baptized is hard. Message him on Facebook to remind him to read and pray everyday @timmiller
– Remember the other Timmy that recently got baptized? Timothy Dwayne Johnson? It was stake conference this weekend so I got to seem him and my heart just overflowed with joy. He was sitting there next to his fellowshippers all spiffed out in his new suit coat (no tie though bc he insists they choke him) and his testimony continues to grow every day. Baptism is only the first step!
– Also at stake conference we stood and sang “I Believe in Christ” and I had the biggest, most obnoxious grin on my face/was also crying a lil bit BECAUSE THATS JUST THE BEST SONG and I couldnt pull my self together. I decided that that is hands down my favorite hymn. The line that really stuck out to me this time was:
“And while I strive through grief and pain, His voice is heard “Ye shall obtain.””
Mortality can be kind of a bummer some times. So many people we’re working with, and nearly everyone we meet is going through their own trials. Real, real hard things. But this line, to me at least, emulates  the beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ. All things are possible Because of Him. All that the Father has is available to us because of Jesus Christ. That’s the best thing.
– This week we got to see President and Sister Lee like 5/7 days and it was pure bliss. I love them.
I love to be a missionary. Repentance is real.  Christ’s Atonement can change us. Every day is the best day ever.
Here are some photos:
1. Lunch with the Lee’s.
2. SISTERS BDAY PARTY FOR SIS. ESQUERRA AND PERRY. I brought the cow pie tradition to Florida.
3. The view of the St. Johns river ft. Downtown Jax from our ward boundary line ❤20180205_161227IMG_8265IMG_8305
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